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Even as the masses begin to settle into the idea that a great many jobs can be automated by AI, they still cling to the notion that jobs involving “judgment” are safe. One can appreciate why people keep human...

Only a few weeks ago, I was living in my blissfully ignorant AI-will-eat-the-world bubble. Then I realized things were not always so blissful. I had the good fortune of being accepted to Boomtown, an...

In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue beat world chess champion Gary Kasparov, the first time an AI technology was able to outperform a world expert in a highly complicated endeavor. It was even more impressive...

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As self-driving cars continue to become more of a foregone conclusion, it is time to shift our attention to the ramifications of this revolution in transportation. Specifically, with computers literally taking the wheel...

The bot land grab is officially under way and everyone is rushing to recreate successful app ideas in chat interfaces. Somehow the old pitch by analogy — we’re “AirBnB for pets” — has found a way to be even...

Whenever I tell people I work in artificial intelligence, they often feel compelled to take up the mantle of human workers the world over. The exact argument tends to vary, but it generally boils down to some...

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6 min read

The gold rush for artificial intelligence (AI) is officially in full swing. Big players like Google and Facebook and small teams alike are in an all-out sprint toward the goal of creating the next generation of AI assistants...

It’s hard to not get swept up in all the hype surrounding AI at the moment. The more you research the seemingly limitless potential, the grander the scope of your ambition becomes. At first, you...

In a recent study by Gartner Reports, the analyst estimated that by 2020 the average person will have more conversations with bots than with their spouse. The report failed to clarify if this was attributed...

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As someone whose obsession with all things bot and AI related borders on unhealthy, I struggle to keep up with the ever-growing universe of bot platforms, bot building services, and NLP services. I fancy myself...

As the world of applications marches steadily away from visual interfaces to chat interfaces, it would seem that we need an entirely new set of axioms in designing this next generation of interfaces. After all...

Imagine this fairly typical scene of modern life. You are half-heartedly watching a recommended show on Netflix while casually checking sports recaps on your phone when you receive a potential fraud alert from...

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The shift in the startup world from apps to A.I. is, in essence, moving from making tools to making people. An app enabled a user to perform a function; at its heart it is DIY. Therefore, apps can be judged by their...

Recently I was on a panel about the future of AI where a panel participant claimed, with a straight face, that he thought his company’s new accounting AI solution would be of a benefit to accountants. Because, as he...

Words are the new UI/UX. That means the same diligence and attention to detail that was once poured over every pixel of a website or app will now have to be applied to each word of a bot interaction. The...

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One sure sign that the age of AI is now upon us is the proliferation of articles purporting to know definitively which jobs are immune from automation and which are most susceptible. These articles are...

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